Monday, May 12, 2008

not much...

Well, I ended up with a few free moments and thought, for Melissa's sake at least, I'd write a little bit. We had the realtor back over today to take updated pictures now that the bathroom is done, and the carport cleaned out. House looked great, but my bedroom was a disaster zone! That's where everything from the other rooms got chunked. Anyway, if you want to see the house it is at - search the Imboden office real estate on about page 6. So then tonight, I had a jewelry show scheduled for this older woman I met. No, I cannot do a jewelry show and blog at the same time - obviously the show cancelled.... AFTER I had my jewelry set up AND the food set out (she'd been sick, I told her to have it here, and I'd take care of everything). So now I've tried calling local hostesses to do a "drop-in" thing so at least someone would eat the food and maybe even make an order... however 10 minutes is kinda short notice. All my church friends except one live too far away to invite, and the one that lives in town hates jewelry.... BUT... My mom just pulled up. Bless her heart. At least she loves me!!!! And Melissa does too, I know.. And Jeremy Camp....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I do love you! If I didn't live so far away, I would have come, just to eat your yummy food!

Was thinking of trying to contrive a reason to come over to your place tonight to watch American Idol. Any ideas?

Love ya,